Thursday, November 26, 2009

not supposed to be funny, but...

I had to laugh when I watched this video.  It made the news because NBC refused to allow it to air.  I am sure that my response is not what PETA was hoping for, but I could not help it.  Even if you think that PETA is nutty, you need to understand that if you bought a turkey from a store, it was most likely raised/treated just as this advertisement describes.  What I don't understand is how their only answer to avoiding factory raised turkeys is to not eat turkey at all... like there is no other alternative. 

I have a novel idea; how about turkeys that are raised naturally, allowed to forage on pasture, are not pumped full of hormones or anti-biotics, and are slaughtered in a clean, humane manner.  Oh wait; we are already doing that at Liberty Pastures.

I also find it interesting that I am agreeing with PETA on anything, but we have very different foundations for our reasoning.  They think that animals are as valuable (or more so) than humans, whereas we think that animals were created by God for our use, but that we still have a duty to treat them respectfully.  We also believe that Happy Animals make better food.   :-)

Contact us if you would like to find out more or if you would like to pre-order your turkey for next year.


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