Saturday, September 26, 2009

our first hay

Over the past year,  I have had many days where I had to stop and think to myself "ok, now I am a farmer" - Today was another one of those days.  In order to prepare for the many cold/wet months ahead, I bought my first load of hay.  It was only 25 bales, a very small load by most farm standards, but hey we have to start somewhere.

It has pretty much been raining for the past 48 hours.  I had been praying that it would let up for my hay run this morning; it did... sort of.  The bottom line is that the hay got a little wet and I got very wet, not too bad.  I have also decided that the hay hooks I recently bought are worth their weight in gold.

Rather than getting the "good hay" which typically consists mainly of Alfalfa, I opted to buy some "junk hay" that was a mix of Alfalfa, Timothy, Orchard, and Clover.  I figured it would be best to attempt to mimic the natural variety that goats prefer; I hope the goats will be happy with their winter meals.

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