Wednesday, September 16, 2009

unexpected work on the farm

We had plans to expand Liberty Pastures in the next few months; we hoped to add a breeding buck, a bunch of laying hens and a bunch of meat chickens.  Everything is being put on hold due to some unforeseen expenses in our home.  Last month we noticed some dark staining on the wood paneling in our son's bedroom.  It appeared to be water, which was a very bad sign as there are no water lines in the area.  I had to assume it was coming through the basement wall.

Upon further inspection (which means I ripped off all the wood paneling, drywall, and insulation) it became very obvious that water was coming through the basement wall and it seems like it has been doing it for quite a long time.  We have learned that our home warranty will not cover any of the damage, nor will our homeowner's insurance, nor will the warranty for the sealant on the exterior of the wall.  We have no idea what the total expense will be, I am not even sure how I am going to determine where the leak is.

For now, my son is keeping a good attitude about being banished from his room.  In fact, he and his sister seem to be enjoying this time as they have been sleeping in their sleeping bags in the open area of the basement.  The past two nights were spent in the tent next to our garden.

We are also having to deal with several large repairs at our rental property back in California.  It is all very frustrating, but we know we are being provided for and it will all work out in the long run...  I just hope that is soon.  :)

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