Friday, May 21, 2010

Well, it has come down to this…

I have decided to cease writing posts on this blog.  When I started this blog it was only supposed to be related to the happenings on the farm, but I cannot seem to avoid commenting on political and news stories.  As previously posted, I gave in a while back and created Facebook and Twitter accounts; in short, all of my future social networking will not include a blog.

I have a Facebook page (Jacob Phillips) which will include my opinions/comments as well as miscellaneous activities of my personal life.  I have a business Facebook page (Liberty Pastures) and Twitter page which will focus on our farm operation.  As a note, you will need a account to view my Facebook pages, but you do not need an account to follow us on Twitter. 

If you happen to be technically challenged [anybody over the age of 50, specifically my parents  :-) ] or are intimidated by Facebook/Twitter, you don’t need to be; if you want assistance on getting it all set-up just let me know and I’ll walk you through it.  You can even have the updates sent directly to your e-mail or cell phone.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

- the Ag Commissioner I want

Makes me want to move to Alabama so I can vote for this man.  I would love to have a guy like this run for the Agricultural Commissioner in Indiana.

Monday, May 17, 2010

- secure the border

I am disgusted at how our individual states are being forced to "battle" against the federal government, but I am more upset by the fact that so many states and the feds refuse to enforce their own laws.  I don't understand how we have gotten to the point where it is wrong to defend ourselves, where we are not willing to stand for any real principals, and where men are so eager to point their finger without having done something so simple like read a 10 page bill.  I spent most of my life in Southern California and I can assure you that despite all of California's other utterly stupid policies, the illegal immigration problem is a real problem.  You do not want this to become a problem in your state, because it will bankrupt you too; in addition to causing your crime rate to rise.


Friday, May 7, 2010

- moving the chicks out

This afternoon I took all of the chicks out of their brooder in the garage and moved them to the small chicken tractor.  They are not down in the field with the rest of the birds; for now we are keeping them on the lawn next to the house.  The birds are only 3 weeks old, so they will not be big enough to go down to the field for a a few more weeks, but I wanted to get them out into the fresh air and on the grass.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

- some new goats

Yesterday afternoon we had some new Spanish goats delivered.  We purchased 2 pregnant nannies and 2 yearling does from Montgomery Farms in Northern Indiana.  This breed was brought to the Americas several hundred years ago so they are considered more of a heritage breed - vice the Boers who were brought to the U.S. in 1993.  It is our hope that this different breed will prove to be healthier mothers and more parasite resistant.  They are nowhere near as friendly as our Boer goats, but we have enough pets; we simply want goats to thrive and reproduce well.
As you can see, they have not completely lost all of their winter coat.

Monday, May 3, 2010

- government style math?

General Motors paid back its loan in full and ahead of schedule?  Not exactly...  Now that they are owned by the federal government, they are operating just like the federal government.  

Hey, since GM is majority owned by the taxpayers, will I be getting a dividend check each quarter?  If you buy a new GM vehicle you are simply supporting and enabling them in their road to ruin.
