Monday, January 4, 2010

- green eggs

In an effort to grow our farm we continue to buy chickens; our hope is to start selling eggs in the spring.  We have always purchased breeds that are known to be prolific egg layers, but we recently decided to add a little variety instead.  We purchased five, 14 week old Americanas (Araucanas) from another local farm.  They don’t look much different from our one existing Black Star (Black Sex Link), but they should eventually look and lay very differently.

Their mature appearance is rather unusual for a chicken; their “cheek feathers” tend to sort of stick out and they have a longer beak causing them to look like a chicken with the head of a Hawk, or some other raptor that likes to eat chickens.  In addition to their hawk-like head, they will lay smaller eggs that are blue/green in color. As with all animals at Liberty Pastures, they are in constant jeopardy and two died the first day we had them.  We are not sure what happened, but my best guess would be that they accidentally got trampled by a goat.  The three remaining birds are now in a brooder in our garage; I am not sure when they will go back outside, but for now they are safe and warm.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful birds! Congratulations. I am sorry that you lost two so soon.
