Monday, April 5, 2010

- corpse or Corps?

The mainstream media did not really cover it much; certainly not like they would have if “W” had made the gaff, in fact most Americans probably never heard of this little incident in which our president showed what a buffoon he really is.  Now that I think about it, most Americans have been so poorly educated that they would probably make the same mistake that Barry did.  I guess you sort of have to feel sorry for Mr. Soetero, he doesn’t ever really know what he is saying; he just gets up there and reads from his teleprompters.

I know this story has been talked about before, but it obviously hits a nerve with me. Being a Marine, I would like to think my Commander-in-Chief would at least know the name of my military organization, but I guess that is simply to much to ask these days. Additionally, I want to know how a guy can graduate from an Ivy League school without know the difference between a corpse and a corps.

My father just e-mailed me this image… I love it. It should be a bit funny to all (unless you happen to be a Obama-maniac), but if you are a Marine or at least know of R. Lee Ermey it should be even more humorous because you can probably remember/imagine being talked to this way at some point.


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