Wednesday, December 23, 2009

- conservative, but socialist?

How can the above title be true?  How can a conservative be a socialist?  I am not sure, I don't think you can be both so what do you call a self proclaimed conservative politician who takes hundreds of thousands of dollars in farm subsidies from the federal government?

Hypocrite is the first thing that comes to my mind.  The second is that you cannot be a true conservative if you regularly take money from a social program, especially when you are making as much money as the average politician.  One cannot make a career of fighting against government programs, but take money from one.

Despite my agreeing with many of Michelle Bachmann's views, I cannot support any person in office who lives with such a dual personality.  Don't get me wrong, I am willing to send my tax money to help people who need it, but that is not the case for most large scale farmers and I doubt that Bachmann's family would be hurting without my tax money.  In fact, any government employee who makes $174,000 per year (yes, that is what all of your "public servants" in congress make) should  not get a dime from any other government program.  I say this as my small farm continues to suck money from my family's savings.  I will never accept handouts from the government, I never have.  If our farm gets to the point where we cannot make money or sustain it on our own, we will change how we are farming or do something different all-together.

This article really highlights the problem with all of our politicians: Liberal and Conservative, Republican and Democrat.  This article only points out the Republicans who are getting undeserved money, but I know that it is the norm in both parties.  Politicians have turned into a permanent ruling class who literally think they are better than all of us "common folk".  They believe they are entitled to all of their perks, pay, and benefits.  While the average people argue about differences in political beliefs, the politicians continue to all act the same and trample on us.  Our government has become what the founders fled and our "rulers" are not public servants; they exist for only one real purpose... to serve themselves.

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