Saturday, December 26, 2009

- goat stand

Recently I completed a project, one which I should have done many months ago.  A goat stand is used for securing them so you can milk them or (in my case) work on their hooves, ear tags, etc…

I initially thought about buying one, but did not like the styles of the metal stands and after looking at the wooden ones, decided that I could build one.  I started by searching for goat stand images on the internet and simply used them for references.  I was able to look at many different designs and determine which features I wanted.

I opted to build the frame out of 2x4s, but used 1x8s for the floor and the neck locking boards.  My first set of neck locking boards proved to be inadequate for two reasons: I made the hole to big and the smaller goats were able to simply slip their heads through and escape.  I also made the sides too thin and our buck (Jimmy) was able to break them.  I re-fabricated the locking boards and they seem to be much more secure/sturdy now.

Aside from my children playing with it, today was the first time that I really put the stand to use.  I banded (form of castration) our new buckling while he was on the stand and it went fairly well.  Every goat (except Jimmy) had their turn on the stand for a quick exam and some hoof trimming; the turkey and chickens even seemed to enjoy “playing” on the new goat stand.

I am still not real happy with the locking mechanism I have (for locking the two neck boards together), but overall I am pleased with the way it turned out.



  1. Jacob,

    It looks great. Nice coat, too. I know a guy who could engrave all of your goats names on the stand:)


  2. I think shipping the stand would cost a little too much :-)
