Saturday, December 5, 2009

- flying pig?

We don't own any pigs, but I can only imagine looking outside and seeing my goats doing something odd like this.  This is just too funny.

-------This little piggy is more than happy to show the world two clean pairs of heels. At six weeks old, Scarlett the rare-breed porker has already mastered the art of trampolining.  Owners Gwen and Steve Howell say the woolly Hungarian mangalitza enjoys the experience so much that their daughters Tara, 14, and Alex, eight, now have to wait their turn to play. Mr and Mrs Howell, both estate agents, have seven pet pigs on their farm in Shrewsbury. Scarlett's father Percy was the first to try the trampoline but is now so fat that he would probably break it.

The Howells told how they had been trying to replace Scarlet's father Percy as the family's resident bouncing pig, after the prize boar became too fat.  The six-week-old piglet has since attracted hordes of visitors to the family home in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, and the Howells are now planning on entering her, along with several other of their rare-breed pigs, into Britain's Got Talent.

Mrs Howell, 46, explained how they came across their pets' unlikely skill by chance.  “We decided we would try and put our boar, Percy on the trampoline one day and he absolutely loved it.  He is very tame and quite trainable. He was on there and just went for it and started jumping up and down, we couldn't believe it. It was hard to get him off.  The only problem is Percy has piled on the pounds and is way to porky to put on the trampoline nowadays, so we tried to put Scarlet on there.”

“Whenever you pick a pig up they squeal really loudly. We picked her up and of course she screamed, but as soon as she was placed on the trampoline she stopped.  She started sniffing around and started to walk on it then we put some food on there and she started feeling her feet.  She has only been doing it for three days, for 45 minutes a time, but she loves it. The pigs seem to love the trampoline even more than our two daughters”
full article

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