Wednesday, December 2, 2009

- processing turkey

Last week my son and I went to our friend's home (Maple Valley Farm) to help them process the last of their turkeys.  We were glad to help, but it was also an excellent learning opportunity for us.

The process began with inserting the turkey into the killing cone and slitting an artery in their throat.  After the bird was dead, it was dunked in the scalder to make the feather plucking easier.  After a few dunks in the hot water and getting plucked clean, it was time to do some more dirty work.  I did the majority of the gutting and cleaning, but Justin insisted that he have a turn as well.  It was amazing for me to see my [then] 9 year old son so eager to help in any way possible, even if it meant sticking his hand in a still warm turkey and pulling out its intestines.  It was an excellent bonding time for father and son.


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