Thursday, March 25, 2010

- ducks

Just when you thought we couldn't get any crazier, we go ahead and prove you wrong.  A couple days ago I was on the way home from the airport and stopped at a “country store” for a few supplies; I decided to try something else new.

Yes they are very cute, but that had nothing to do with my decision to bring them home; I figured they would be fun to raise, but would taste good in few months.  I had read that you could raise this particular breed (Pekin) alongside chickens, so I figured “why not give it a shot?”  We’ll see how they work out; so far they are doing well and are providing some entertainment at the same time.


  1. Don't ducks fly? What's to keep your supper in your yard?

  2. As far as I know Ducks still do fly, unless this breed has evolved [sarcasm] and no longer does. In all seriousness, most chicken "meat" breeds grow too large too fast to be able to fly, so I think these ducks might be the same. Either way before they go out to pasture, I will clip the "primary" feathers on their right wing; as I do with all the chickens. It allows them to flap and get up on top of things, but really go anywhere.

  3. well, I would have bought them just because they are cute...I would have been weak that I'm glad that you kept your mind about you and bought them for practicality! Men are best for that. I'm sure Jess and the kids are smitten with them. =0)
