Tuesday, March 2, 2010

- little lady Liberty

We have had several does deliver kids in the past month, but they have all either been still-born or died very shortly after delivery.  None of those births had been witnessed, but we always found the dead kids in the morning. 

Sunday night - as I do every night after the sun goes down - I went out to check on the animals and look for any potential predators; this night was a little different though.  As I was walking near the barn I thought I heard something a little odd… it sounded a bit like a human baby.

When I looked in the barn I saw a new-born kid lying in the hay next to “Mama”.  Mama was clearly not herself and I figured she had another kid to deliver.  I notified my wife and children of the news, via radio, and they hurried to get dressed and come down to the barn.  As they were approaching, Mama started to deliver her second kid and we all got to see as it came into the world.  I cannot explain how excited we were to finally have living kids.

Ultimately, one of the kids did not survive through the night, but it has been 36 hours now and the doeling seems to be doing very well.  As you can see, she has got to be one of the cutest little creatures I have ever seen.  Since she is the first animal who has been born at Liberty Pastures, she was named “Liberty”.

We know she still has a long way to go and one goat doesn’t really do much for growing our flock, but she represents a victory over the odds and a much needed morale boost.  Whatever the future holds for her, we praise God for the time we have with this beautiful little part of his creation.

If you want to come by and see “Liberty” or take a look at the rest of the goats and chickens, just let us know; we would love to have you visit.


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