Wednesday, March 10, 2010

- funeral protestors

Court to rule in military funeral protest case
By Mark Sherman - The Associated Press
Posted : Monday Mar 8, 2010 18:02:12 EST

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court is entering an emotionally charged dispute between the grieving father of a Marine who died in Iraq and the anti-gay protesters who picket military funerals with inflammatory messages like “Thank God for dead soldiers.”

The court agreed Monday to consider whether the protesters’ message, no matter how provocative or upsetting, is protected by the First Amendment or limited by the competing privacy and religious rights of the mourners.

The justices will hear an appeal from a Marine’s father to reinstate a $5 million verdict against the protesters after they picketed outside his son’s funeral in Maryland four years ago. Members of a Kansas-based church have picketed military funerals to spread their belief that U.S. deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq are punishment for the nation’s tolerance of homosexuality.

I read this and simply thought -  WHAT????!!!!!!

It is extremely upsetting for me to read about these types of things and know that this kind of stupidity is actually happening in America.  Not only are these protesters some of the most evil, heartless, thoughtless, reckless people in our society, but they also perpetuate the image of all religious people being "wackos".

As to the protests themselves, if we cannot (or will not) protect the right of a family to bury their son in peace then we have truly lost ALL respect for those who protect and serve and we may as well call Castro or Kim Jung-il and give them the keys to the White House (if Barry hasn’t given it to them already).


  1. This has happened around here. I remember a couple of years ago that a state rep from Martinsville proposed some changes in our state law in response to this same type of protest. I can't remember the outcome.

  2. Under which ammendment is the right to go punch those protesters in the nose and break their signs protected?
